I'm like a infatuated lover divane asik gibi de
strolling on the streets dolanirim yollarda
girl because of you, darling because of you kiz senin sebebune yar senin sebebune
I've stayed in İstanbul - kaldim istanbullarda
If only your father ask me from my father* baban beni babamdanda
just once bir kerecik istesun
"for God's order Allahin emri ile
let her to be my daughter-in-law"** gelinim olsun desun,
wrap up Karadeniz*** belt around your waist sar belune belune de karadeniz kusagu
girl would you say e kiz sen de dermisun
If only I taken ( means: married with) this boy alsam ha bu usagi
I'm a bird of high mountain yuksek dagin kusiyim de
I'll perch this cypress**** selviye konacagim
ask me from my father iste beni babamdan
if he won't let, I'm gonna run away (with you) vermezse kaçacagum
my red shawl, green shawl***** al salim yesil salim da
let's walk around of the world dünyayi dolasalim
you be rain and I cloud sen yagmur ol ben bulut
and then let's get together in maçka****** maçka'da bulusalim
*boy's father asks permission from girl's father for them to marry.it's a tradition.
**It's what they say when ask a girl from her father in this tradition."for God's order, Prophet's utterance, We ask your daughter to our son" something like that
***A city -where this song come from- in Turkey. and karadeniz belt is a common clothing in Karadeniz.
**** in my opinion when she says this cypress she intends him, i mean he asks "you want to marry with me( in girl would you say.... part)" , she answers I want it too
***** I think it's just for rhyme
******Maçka is a town in Karadeniz( and by the way karadeniz is rainy every month of year i just saying this for maybe it can help)
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