
6 Nis 2011

Beautiful fashion photography.....

am3x Beautiful fashion photography
Alix Malka was born in the south of France – as a young stage opera singer he was struck by the magic of the visual arts that soon grew into a pas­sion for pho­tog­ra­phy, fash­ion, and film. He grad­u­ated with a fine art degree in Aix en Provence and com­pleted Fash­ion Design at Esmod, Paris. He worked for many years as art direc­tor beside iconic designer Thierry Mugler cre­at­ing all aspects of a haute-​​couture house. He played an inte­gral part of the House of Mugler, col­lab­o­rat­ing with numer­ous pho­tog­ra­phers includ­ing mas­ters such as Hel­mut New­ton and Richard Ave­don. These inspi­ra­tional col­lab­o­ra­tions played a piv­otal part in ful­fill­ing Alixʼs dream of becom­ing a photographer.

am3w Beautiful fashion photography
am3a Beautiful fashion photography
am3b Beautiful fashion photography

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