He is an extremely talented and precocious painter, started with landscapes painting career, and was awarded the Second Prize of Rome. His career took a major turn during 1920's. At that time he started painting "Parisian Lady" and call that style pin-up. Those women in his painting are thin, airy, elegant, with a swan-like neck and wide seductive eyes which gaze upon the world with longing.
28 Şub 2011
Jean-Gabriel Domegue
Jean-Gabriel Domergue (1889-1962), French painter. He considered himself the creator of the style pin-up. He is an extremely talented and precocious painter, started with landscapes painting career, and was awarded the Second Prize of Rome. His career took a major turn during 1920's. At that time he started painting "Parisian Lady" and call that style pin-up. Those women in his painting are thin, airy, elegant, with a swan-like neck and wide seductive eyes which gaze upon the world with longing.
Oil Paintings
Body Worlds
BODY WORLD sergisinin ardındaki yaratıcı ikili
Ünlü bilim adamı Gunther von Hagens, Plastinasyon’un – estetik anatominin sunumunu olanaklı kılan anatomik örnek koruma yönteminin – mucididir.
Plastinasyon yoluyla ölümden sonraki beden, halkın insan bedenini daha önce hiç görülmediği biçimde görmelerine olanak veren, harikulade anatomik figürlere –plastinatlar- dönüştürülür.
Anatomi ve halka açık anatomi sergileri alanında çığır açan Dr. von
Ünlü bilim adamı Gunther von Hagens, Plastinasyon’un – estetik anatominin sunumunu olanaklı kılan anatomik örnek koruma yönteminin – mucididir.
Plastinasyon yoluyla ölümden sonraki beden, halkın insan bedenini daha önce hiç görülmediği biçimde görmelerine olanak veren, harikulade anatomik figürlere –plastinatlar- dönüştürülür.
Anatomi ve halka açık anatomi sergileri alanında çığır açan Dr. von
Body world,
25 Şub 2011
Papillons Graphiques by Chris Waind
24 Şub 2011
Atkin's Architecture Group recently won the first prize award for an international design competition with this stunning entry. Set in a spectacular water filled quarry in Songjiang, China, the 400 bed resort hotel is uniquely constructed within the natural elements of the quarry. Underwater public areas and guest rooms add to the uniqueness, but the resort also boasts cafes, restaurants and sporting facilities.
The lowest level runs with the aquatic theme by housing a luxurious swimming pool and an extreme sports center for activities such as rock climbing and bungee jumping which will be cantilevered over the quarry and accessed by special lifts from the water. With a stunning visual presentation as shown here, it's no wonder this project took home the first prize. This is a fine example of an ultra modern facility co-existing amongst its natural environment.
by Andy G
23 Şub 2011
Gary Fernandez Illustrations
The name Gary Fernandez has started to appear often enough to warrant a closer look. Fernandez is a freelance illustrator and graphic artist based in Madrid, Spain, and currently living in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. His client list is impressive, ranging from advertising heavies DDB, McCann Erickson, JWT and Grey to superbrands such as Coca Cola, Nokia and Camel. His illustrations have appeared in numerous magazines and books.
Cecilia Carlstedt Fashion Illustrations
You know that at Trend Land we love Fashion & Illustrations, so when we find someone who draw some beautiful Fashion Illustrations we are in even – That’s the case for Cecilia Carlstedt
Cecilia has a tremendous style to her illustrations and has been commissioned by a solid list of clients, including New York Times, H&M, Bloomingdale, and Swarovski.Belinda Chen Fashion Illustrations
How lovely are Belinda Chen illustrations, the Berlin based illustrator and visual designer has some great fashion drawings and mixed media collages. Sometimes simple and sometimes more complex, she seems to have developed more than one signature style.
Nuno DaCosta Fashion Illustrations
London based, self taught illustrator Nuno DaCosta specializes in fashion and beauty illustrations. His work is so fluid, feminine and fashion inspired. I particularly love the skin tones and strong, angular faces. Nuno’s illustrations fall mainly in two categories, color and black and white brush work but always retain their up to the minute sense of style.
Renzo verdone
Digital paints,
Starry, Starry Night
don mclean'in en az vincent van gogh'un resmi kadar güzel ve resimle aynı adı taşıyan 1971 yılında yayımlanmış şarkısıdır, "vincent" adıyla da bilinir. 1972 yılında şarkı ingiltere'de bir numara olur ve 1970'li yıllar boyunca amsterdam'daki van gogh müzesinde gün boyunca çalınır. şarkının harika sözleri, mclean'in okşayan yorumuyla daha bir anlam kazanır.
22 Şub 2011
Steve McCurry
Steve McCurry (born April 23, 1950) is an American photojournalist best known for his photograph, "Afghan Girl" that originally appeared in National Geographic magazine.
7 Avlu
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Henüz otuzlu yaşlarına gelmemiş, üç çocuklu dul bir kadın olan Rum Eleni, kocasının ölümünden sonra insanlarla iletişim kurmak için her akşam bir bahaneyle mahalledeki avluları dolaşır. Mahallede aynı sokakta yedi avlu ve her avlunun da kendine özgü bir özelliği vardır: 1968 kuşağından sosyalistler, Ermeni bir aile, ölen karısının hayaletiyle yaşayan bir adam, avluda hazine arayan bir Arap aile...
21 Şub 2011
Black Swan
In Black Swan, Nina Sayers is a dedicated ballerina who bags the lead role of the Swan Queen in her company's radical new take on Swan Lake. She seems the perfect embodiment of the White Swan, all lightness and fragility and innocence, but her role also comprises the dark twin, the Black Swan. As opening night draws closer, Nina finds that releasing her self control might be the only way to succeed. As her preparation transcends her performance, the Black Swan takes her into a psychological nightmare.
Patrıc Demarchelier
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Patrick Demarchelier was born in 1944. For his seventeenth birthday, his stepfather brought him his first Eastman Kodak camera. Demarchelier learned how to develop film, retouch negatives and began shooting friends and weddings. After growing up in the northern seaside town of Le Havre, moving to Paris to work in photo labs as an assistant, Demarchelier began his dream run at British Vogue in the early ‘80s when it was commanded by the likes of Liz Tilberis and Anna Wintour, talent-spotters of the finest water who went on to helm Harper’s Bazaar and American Vogue in the early ‘90s. Since the late 1970’s he has shot the covers for nearly every major fashion magazine. Demarchelier also shot international advertising campaigns for Dior, Louis Vuitton, Celine, TAG Heuer, Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Lacoste, Calvin Klein and Ralph Lauren. In 1989 he became the official photographer of Princess Diana. He later became the first non-Britain to photograph the British Royal Family. Since 1992 he has worked with Harper’s Bazaar, becoming its premier photographer. Demarchelier was awarded the contract for the 2005 prestigious Pirelli Calendar. In 2007, Mrs. Christine Albanel, Minister of Culture in France, honored Patrick Demarchelier as an Officer de l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres. His book Patrick Demarchelier Photographs was such a success that it was printed a second time after it 12,000 copies were sold. For a long time Patrick Demarchelier didn’t want to expose his work in galleries, much less sell it, until he was convinced otherwise by one of his art collector friends from New York. At that point, he said exposing in galleries felt like: “the beginning of a new career.” Demarchelier has lived in New York City since 1975, and is considered today one of the top fashion photographers in the world. |
if you have become ash,
then wait till you become a rose again
and do not remember how often you have become ash
...but how often you were reborn in ashes to a new rose
(Küle döndüysen, yeniden güle dönmeyi bekle.. Ve geçmişte kaç kere küle dönüştüğünü değil, kaç kere yeniden küllerin arasından doğrulup yeni bir gül olduğunu hatırla..)
Collect Dark
18 Şub 2011
Alexander McQueen
Alexander McQueen
"Şöhret olma işini film yıldızlarına bırakmak gerek; biz modacıların yaptığı sadece insanlara servis vermekten ibaret." Lee Alexander McQueen; 11 Şubat günü Londra'nın merkezinde, Valentino ve Tom Ford gibi moda star'larının adresi olarak bilinen Mayfair'deki evinde canına kıydığında gerçek bir şöhretti. Köpekleri Minter, Juice ve Callum ile paylaştığı evde, 2 Şubat'ta kaybettiği annesinin cenaze töreninden bir gece önce kendini asmıştı.
Moda endüstrisine yirmi yıl boyunca kattığı tazelik, yaratıcılık, imza attığı sayısız koleksiyon ve çarpıcı defilenin ardından Alexander McQueen, uzun süredir Alexander the Great - Büyük İskender olarak anılıyordu. Şöhreti onun yakınında olmak, onunla objektiflere gülümseyebilmek için çaba harcayan eğlence dünyasının yıldızlarınınkinden daha büyüktü. 40 yaşında, üç yıl önce onu moda dünyasına kazandıran Isabella Blow gibi kendi elleriyle hayatına son verince, bir yıldız gibi kaydı gitti.
Hz.Mevlana Der ki;
Yorulacaksan, zorlanacaksan, şikâyetçi olacaksan, keşkelere sığınacaksan,
Söze am...a diye başlayacaksan, girme aşk yoluna.
Aşk yolunda u dönüşü yoktur!
Aşk der ki sana:
Yolumdaysan, başım feda yoluna ama bil ki senin de başını isterim yoluma! Kahır, kapris gelecekse senden amenna. Ama ayağına diken batarsa yolumda, ah edip vahlanma. Aşk bilek gücü değil yürek işidir. Yüreğin yetmiyorsa düşme yollara.’
Söze am...a diye başlayacaksan, girme aşk yoluna.
Aşk yolunda u dönüşü yoktur!
Aşk der ki sana:
Yolumdaysan, başım feda yoluna ama bil ki senin de başını isterim yoluma! Kahır, kapris gelecekse senden amenna. Ama ayağına diken batarsa yolumda, ah edip vahlanma. Aşk bilek gücü değil yürek işidir. Yüreğin yetmiyorsa düşme yollara.’
Jeff Nishinaka - The Paper Genius -art
The stunning elegance of Jeff Nishinaka’s paper art calls for a new definition of paper. His meticulous sculptural 3D work appears to have been created from marble or extremely fine sand or vanilla ice cream or thick foam — definitely of something other than “just” paper. The Los Angeles-born artist works mainly with white, which makes the exquisite play of light and shadow a large part of the appeal of his work.
Lexus Sculpture - CT Umbra
Lexus has taken its fifth hybrid, the compact CT 200h, on the road in more forms than one. This eerie and artistic sculpture, titled CT Umbra, was part of the Lexus debate series tour called Darker side of Green
Branded Art Installations
Brands are tapping into the art space and we are, perhaps surprisingly, noticing some pretty awesome art installations as a result. It is a precarious feat for a brand to attempt because it can easily go wrong and have the exact opposite of the desired effect. A branded piece of art can be viewed as too promotional, too gaudy, too imposing and an intrusion into “public space.”
Minjae Lee

In between studying for my art exam (which currently stands between me and freedom) and planning a much needed beach retreat with Kesselle, I've been stepping up my internet browsing. Basking in the glory of other blogs as well as random websites.
That is how I stumbled upon the one and only; Minjae Lee.
digital photograph,
17 Şub 2011
Veri Apriyatno
Veri Apriyatno is an artist from Jakarta, Indonesia. Born on April 12, 1973. get a bachelor's degree in 1998 at the Bandung Institute of Technology, Department of Fine Art, Painting studio.
Since 2003 until now has many solo and group exhibitions.
Until now Veri has produced six books about drawing work (how to Draw). Veri recorded as one of contemporary Indonesian artists.
Since 2003 until now has many solo and group exhibitions.
Until now Veri has produced six books about drawing work (how to Draw). Veri recorded as one of contemporary Indonesian artists.
drawing pencil
Born 1947 Born in Hebei province, ChinaIn Ai Xuan's paintings, two subjects predominate: children and the snowy landscape of Tibet. The image is of tranquility and empty space. The crease in the leather and fur coat, the withered grass in the snow form the details of realism. But the space framed by the outline of the human figure in the distant horizon forms a certain symbol. In Ai Xuan's art, this symbol is achieved by the description of human figures and landscape, colour contrast and curve of outline, and the relationship between them.
Oil Paintings
16 Şub 2011
Cirque du Soleil (Gunesin Sirki)
Cirque du Soleil( Gunesin Sirki) şovları dansı andıran akrobasi hareketlerinden oluşuyor. Şovda ne hayvanlar ne de canavarlar var... Birkaç geleneksel sahne olmasa ona sirk dahi denilemez. Cirque du Soleil'in dokuz şovu şu anda dünyanın farklı yerlerinde gösterimde. Sadece birini seyretmek bile insanı heyecanlandırıyor..
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